Combatting counterfeit bearings

Combatting counterfeit bearings

Counterfeit bearings are a significant problem worldwide, leading to increased equipment failure and posing a risk to the safety of plant staff. To address this issue, Tony Tormey, Motion’s Category Manager for Industrial Bearings, advises customers to purchase only branded bearings from authorised distributors. He also recommends using tools like the ‘NSK Verify’ app to verify a bearing’s authenticity.

At Motion, safety and quality are top priorities, and the company is committed to providing customers with authentic products that meet industry standards. Tony Tormey stresses the importance of purchasing branded bearings from authorised distributors to ensure that customers receive genuine products. He also recommends using the ‘NSK Verify’ app, a tool that assesses the authenticity of bearings, to help customers identify fake bearings and prevent equipment failure and safety risks. By prioritising authenticity and safety, Motion aims to provide customers with peace of mind and reliable products that meet their needs.

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