Agriculture Tag

Australian farmers are known to choose locally-manufactured air seeder hoses for a reason – they are built to last in the country's unique agricultural conditions, says Jeff Mrak, Motion’s Marketing Manager for Customer Insights and Market Research. The hoses play a large role in transporting...

In the Riverina region of New South Wales, a combination of flat planes, warm climate and ample supply of water facilitate some of the highest-yielding farming operations in the country. The area’s agricultural diversity provides key support to Australia’s food production and export industries, but...

Taking their name from the black oxide treatment coating their exterior, the Black Bearings from NTN are ideally suited for harvesting equipment due to their extreme resistance to corrosive factors like water and dust. Ensuring efficient crop yield is dependent on the reliability of machinery...

During harvest season, canning facilities process fresh fruit 24/7 to accommodate for high volume demand and maximise uptime. According to Troy Markland, National Product Manager for Power Transmission at Motion Australia, reducing the risk of equipment failure is the utmost priority for many businesses during...

Bearing failure in the field is the last thing that farmers want during harvest season. It is a common concern amongst grain harvesters and processors alike, and many of Motion Australia’s customers are looking to upgrade their most critical componentry. “When the harvest is on, sites...

During harvest season, it’s important to keep things moving. The time-sensitive nature of the industry calls for only the most reliable drive assemblies, and Gates has a wealth of expert knowledge backing their range of industrial grade V-belts. Catering specifically to the agricultural market, they have...

Steve Keown, National Product Manager for Lubricants and Chemicals at Motion Australia, posits that the quality of oil blending facilities, base solution and additives all combine to determine the overall quality of tractor transmission oils. “Australian company Gulf Western Oil uses the highest quality virgin base...

Commonly used for steering or towing implements like balers, mowers and ploughs, tractor attachment systems must contend with heavy-duty environmental factors present on Australian farms. Following a considered design process informed by customer feedback, Walterscheid has developed a Tractor Attachment System that boasts high performance and...